Saturday 13 June 2009

Animation Vids 5...ummm, they haven't made any more Die Hard movies!

Neil was finding doing the run cycle and the drool shot quite time consuming. Considering they are now half done, I decided to lighten his load and take a couple of his niggly little shots away from him. The first shot I tool was just a close up of Durg. This is supposed to reveal how idiotic he is, so I decided to have him glaring off into the distance with his eyes blinking at different times. There's not much more to say about this shot...does Durg looks dumb, YES!

The second shot is going to be a panning shot closing in on Durg illustrating how blot is now flying through the air towards him. With this in mind, I thought a normal person would look scared if they saw someone flying at them, so i did the opposite and made Durg smile idiotically...priceless. These Durg shots are pretty simple, but have been the most enjoyable pieces of animation in this project so far.

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