Saturday, 13 June 2009

Animation Vids 2: Draw Harder

This is the shot where Blot finds the knives that he misplaced. Here we see him rumaging through some junk untill he comes across the knives. This is the shot where we reveal to the audience that the audience is not real, but actually a 2d cartoon on a screen. I will import our 2d animations onto the screen in after effects. I thought that the TV could go on the fritz and blot could punch it as a joke.

For some reason the laptop, does not like the scene where blot throws the knives so I'll have to fiddle with that one at college. Instead here is an unimpressive animation of some knifes flying through the air. This will be used in the scene where blot runs past them. It doesn't seem like much now but it will look better with a background and some motion blurring in after effects!

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