Monday, 18 May 2009

Textured Environment

Hey Guys, after a horrible accident involving my USB, a few files went missing, including the production schedule, the knife and the environment. After a a full blown hissy fit, I started re modelling the environment. Then I remembered, I sneaked a copy onto Neil's USB last week as a back up. When I got the environment Back off of Neil, it was un-lit and un I had to do it again. Anyway, here it is. I used a regular Lambert style texture for the back wall, a blin for our velvety curtains (snazy!) and a blin for our varnished floor (all the more to slip on someones spit with). I chose to light the scene with two lights, a regular area light at the front, and a warmer toned peach light at the back, to give the scene more personality. Overall I think the environment has turned out pretty OK. Neil and I aren't the greatest modeller's and textures in the world. Hopefully the focus will be on the animated performance...then again it is nice to have a swanky environment!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Jared said it's important to have something animated especially the animatic.
