Hey all here are the new boards. After a long chat Neil and I decided that my boards were too long, way over 30 seconds, so we decided to rethink the story. The new story begins with a spotlight on Blot. The lights go up revealing Durg the assistant and the knife board. Blot produces two knives from behind his back, and then one from his tongue. We close up on Durg presenting the board, then we see Blot throw the knives. He then speeds past them. We then see a close up of Durg's tongue as a piece of drool drops from it onto the floor. Blot is horrified as he slips on the dribble and goes careering into Durg. Then two get up rubbing their heads as the knives are still flying through the air. Blot looks on in terror of the impeding knives, as Durg is completely unaware.
I like this new story a lot, I think its quite short and sweet.
I like, check mine out.