Sunday, 31 May 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009
New Update!
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
TV Party!!!
New Lights.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Slip n' Slide
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
1st shot!
I have spent today animating the first shot of the film, where a spotlight shines on blot and he gestures towards the knife board. I wanted people to get a sense that blot loves the theatre so I had him take a big breath in and look around the stage adoringly before making his grand gesture. I wanted to create a sense of grandness to his gesture so I had the wrist flick a little and the fingers roll at one frame after the other. To accent his moves I tilted his head slightly. I thought his legs were a little static so I decided to dip his knees a little to really give the motion more pop. There's still a little more work that needs to be done to this shot, a couple of awkward inbetweens, a bit more secondary animation. I haven't even touched the graph editor yet. Anyway the basics are here.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Storyboard Redraft
Blot is about to reveal the knives, he then pats down his sides and realises, he doesn't have them. We cut to the audience looking slightly confused, the camera then pans back to reveal that the whole audience are being shown on a TV screen and are all pre recorded. WE see Blot, rummaging around behind the TVs before finding the knives. He the walks happily back on stage, and dusts himself off. The camera then zooms in dramatically as he produces the three knives from one hand behind his back.
Both Neil and myself rather like this idea. It's almost poking fun at the fact that the audience are not real, and do not exist within the 3d world.
Monday, 18 May 2009
The New and Imporved Knifeeeey!!!
After the previously mentioned USB disaster, I had to remodel knifey. NOOOOOO! Fortunately, much like the Wise Jared once said, the second time you model something it will be allot easier and allot better. This was the case, I completed the model in half an hour, and I personally think it looks better than the previous one. I based it on the knife on the far right of this reference image...the big one. I was going to model a specialist throwing knife, but I thought a kitchen knife is far more instantly recognisable for the audience.
Textured Environment
Hey Guys, after a horrible accident involving my USB, a few files went missing, including the production schedule, the knife and the environment. After a a full blown hissy fit, I started re modelling the environment. Then I remembered, I sneaked a copy onto Neil's USB last week as a back up. When I got the environment Back off of Neil, it was un-lit and un I had to do it again. Anyway, here it is. I used a regular Lambert style texture for the back wall, a blin for our velvety curtains (snazy!) and a blin for our varnished floor (all the more to slip on someones spit with). I chose to light the scene with two lights, a regular area light at the front, and a warmer toned peach light at the back, to give the scene more personality. Overall I think the environment has turned out pretty OK. Neil and I aren't the greatest modeller's and textures in the world. Hopefully the focus will be on the animated performance...then again it is nice to have a swanky environment!
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Line Tests
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Flash Update!!!
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
The Plan (don't even think about it Neil!) }:(
Monday, 4 May 2009
ANother Flash Test
I have a graphics tablet now ( a very sexy Wacom Intuos 4). With this in mind I decided to do a little test in flash. It's only a super quick, three frame animation, but I think it turned out quite well...considering I'm so new to flash!
I would show it to you all but stupid blogger is being a little butt hole and it won't upload. URGGGGH! I HATE COMPUTERS!
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Flash reference!
Here are some examples of how Flash can look awesome. One clip his from the hit Cartoon Network show Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends. The one with the devil is from the new Cartoon network show, Jimmy Two Shoes, which is about a kid in hell (I think the character designs resemble that of our film). The last two clips are from a fantastic Internet animator called Harry Partridge, who is most famous for his 'Saturday Morning Watchmen' parody. His Metal Gear Solid Parody is fantastic as it lasts pretty much 30 seconds, so it gives an idea of how quick our film has to be.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Just an Update!
New Boards!
Hey all here are the new boards. After a long chat Neil and I decided that my boards were too long, way over 30 seconds, so we decided to rethink the story. The new story begins with a spotlight on Blot. The lights go up revealing Durg the assistant and the knife board. Blot produces two knives from behind his back, and then one from his tongue. We close up on Durg presenting the board, then we see Blot throw the knives. He then speeds past them. We then see a close up of Durg's tongue as a piece of drool drops from it onto the floor. Blot is horrified as he slips on the dribble and goes careering into Durg. Then two get up rubbing their heads as the knives are still flying through the air. Blot looks on in terror of the impeding knives, as Durg is completely unaware.